SGS - St George Shuttle
SGS stands for St George Shuttle
Here you will find, what does SGS stand for in Firm under Transportation category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate St George Shuttle? St George Shuttle can be abbreviated as SGS What does SGS stand for? SGS stands for St George Shuttle. What does St George Shuttle mean?St George Shuttle is an expansion of SGS
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Alternative definitions of SGS
- School Of Graduate Studies
- Software Generation System
- Singapore Government Securities
- Strategy Gaming Society
- Simple Graphics System
- Second Gear Start
- Suppressor Of Gene Silencing
- Secretary, General Staff
View 156 other definitions of SGS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SAS Socius Alumni Strategists
- SVNCI SVN Canada Inc.
- SMSS Space Maker Self Storage
- SJC Saint Joseph Convent
- STMI Shelf Talkers Manufacturing Inc.
- SPD Stafford Police Dept
- SPU Skills Plus Uganda
- SC Span the Chasm
- SRSW Summit Realty South West
- SMS Scribner Media Services
- SEPL Strategic Energy Partners LLC
- SCCS So Clean Cleaning Svc
- SHGL Strategic Healthcare Group LLC
- SAF Sensory Access Foundation
- SMFO Steel Master Finland Oy
- SIUSATP Seiko Instruments USA Thermal Printers